In the early 90 found a kind of medicinal herbs among the tribes of the Amazon that can cure some serious diseases, including cancer. After an investigation by the pharmaceutical experts from the United States, apparently derived from the leaves of the Graviola tree. The leaves contain substances known as Annonaceous acetogenins against cancer, which can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells in the human body.
The pharmaceutical industry is trying to patent the results, but it failed because of the pure active ingredients extracted from plants in nature, which means public property.
There is even a source as saying soursop leaves effect 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. This is related to cancer treatment. Understanding the chemotherapy itself is the use of chemicals to slow the spread or even kill cancer cells.
Ironically, the results of this study as “buried” because he feared could interfere with chemotherapy in the industry, “which right now is the best alternative to beat cancer. As a result, an anti-cancer drugs are very powerful and inexpensive that disappeared for several years until the early 2000s, a team member in pharmaceutical research disclosed the secret to helping relatives esophageal cancer.
And plants, it is Graviola? It turns out that Amazon’s native plants have Latin names of Annona muricata, Indonesia, is known as sirsak or soursop in english. It turned out that the drug against cancer there and actually available for free on our environment and ironically not many people know. The problem is that treatment with soursop leaves unresolved scientifically studied, so that many pharmaceuticals / medicine, and did not recognize its usefulness.
In other words, is yet another treatment. Patients who prefer rich chemotherapy to fight cancer because they think “more scientific” (although very sick and suffering), and they can afford expensive. But for the little people who can not afford expensive treatment, there is now a cheaper alternative therapy, is also feasible.
Apparently, according to researchers at the Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center University of Gadjah Mada (UGM CCRC) Indonesia, Nur Qumara Fitriyah, McLaughlin’s research shows a small dose, soursop leaf effectively suppress cancer cells. McLaughlin’s research is based on crude extracts of leaves of the soursop ED50 <20 ug / ml, whereas the only pure compounds ED50 <4 ug / ml. This means that a dose of decoction 10-15 soursop leaves are still safe to eat.
Another source, The Journal of Natural Products research reveal MJ Rieser, XP Fang, and McLaughlin, researchers at AgrEvo Research Center, North Carolina, United States, that the soursop leaf cell-killing colon cancer cells up to 10,000 times more potent than adriamycin and chemotherapy.
When the experts from the Health Science Research Institute at the news miracle Graviola, they began to do research. The results were startling. Graviola tree proved to be an effective cancer cell killer.
The National Cancer Institute began the first scientific research in 1976. results prove that Graviola leaf and stem wood is able to attack and destroy the evil sel2 cancer. Unfortunately, these results only for internal purposes and are not published.
Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be a killer of cancer cells in the extraordinary trials will be undertaken leh Independent 20 different laboratories.
A study published by The Journal of Natural Products said that studies conducted by the Catholic University in South Korea, mentioning that one of the chemical elements contained in Graviola, able to select, discriminate and kill colon cancer cells with 10,000 times more powerful compared with adriamicin and Chemo Therapy.
The most striking discovery of this study is the Catholic University Graviola can choose evil and kill only cancer cells, while healthy cells are not touched or disturbed. Graviola not like chemo therapy who can not distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells, then the reproductive cells (such as stomach and hair) were killed depleted by chemo therapy, causing negative effects such as nausea and hair loss.
A study at Purdue University show that the Graviola leaves are able to kill cancer cells effectively, particularly prostate cancer cells, pancreas, and lungs.
After a more or less than 7 years no news of Graviola, finally broke the news of this miracle, too, through information from the institutions mentioned above.
Limited supply of Graviola extract is cultivated and harvested by people of Brazil and Indonesia.

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